I'm sober . . . now what?

Focus on taking recovery one day at a time. Throughout this process you will continue to get to know yourself again and understand what living a sober lifestyle means to you.

Here are some things you can do for yourself to support your recovery:

1.     Find a sponsor if you don’t already have one.  Choose a person you trust or admire who has a substantial amount of time in recovery. A sponsor will help and support you as you work through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

2.     Go to an AA meeting.  There are lots of meetings in communities all over the United States.  Each meeting has it’s own culture. You might have to attend a few different meetings until you find the one that feels comfortable and is a good fit for you; so be patient and receptive to attending different meetings at different days and times.

3.     Start building a relationship with a higher power.  Believing and trusting in a higher power will allow you to deepen your recovery experience and grow in your sobriety in a spiritual and meaningful way.

By doing these things, you are allowing yourself the opportunity to “grow” in your recovery.  You will meet new people, form new relationships, and actively pursue completing the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous one day at a time.

Thanks for reading!

-Kiernan Gamel